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Weald Electronics是英国领先的军用和工业互连应用电子和电气连接器制造商,专业生产基于Mil-C-5015和Mil-C-26482规格的高质量军用圆形连接器。
Weald Electronics提供多种圆形卡口式联轴器和螺旋联轴器电源连接器,过滤圆形连接器和电缆连接器,可选择多种材料和表面处理,专业系列适用于最苛刻的环境,包括采矿和船舶应用。
客户可以指定各种外壳尺寸,款式,插头和插座接触类型和触点布置。 Weald Electronics提供双面隔板版本的连接器,可根据要求安装热电偶触点。
Weald Electronics is a leading U.K. manufacturer of electronic and electrical connectors for military and industrial interconnection applications specialising in high quality military circular connectors based on the Mil-C-5015 & Mil-C-26482 specification.
We offer a wide selection of circular bayonet coupling and screw coupling power connectors, filtered circular connectors and cable connectors in a wide choice of materials and finishes, with specialist ranges suited to the most demanding environments including mining & marine applications.
Customers may specify from a wide range of shell sizes, styles, plug and socket contact types and contact arrangements. Double sided bulkhead versions of our connectors are available and thermocouple contacts can be fitted on request.
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